Mental Health Resources

Amy Dodd Pilkington Bipolar Disorder Mental Health Resources

Find mental health information in addition to downloadable worksheets, pamphlets, videos, psychiatric advance directives, and more in this list of mental health resources.

Support and Information

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance

Mental Health America

Mental Health America of the Midsouth

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

CHADD: Pediatric Bipolar Disorder

Mayo Clinic: Bipolar Disorder

Free Downloads

DBSA Wellness Tracker

NAMI: Navigating a Mental Health Crisis

NAMI: Circle of Care Guidebook for Caregivers

NAMI: Starting the Conversation Guide

NIMH: Bipolar Disorder Brochures

NIMH: Digital Shareables 

National Mental Health Consumers Self-help Clearinghouse

Centre for Clinical Interventions Australia: Workbooks, Worksheets

OHSU: Mood Disorder Questionnaire

Healthy Place: Free ebook

Psychology Tools: Worksheets

SAMHSA: Publications and Digital Products

Psychiatric Advance Directives

Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law

Texas Health and Human Services

Mental Health Freebies by Postal Mail

NIMH: Bipolar Disorder Brochures


NAMI Video Resource Library

Mental Health Blogs

Our Bipolar