Changing Moods in Bipolar Disorder: Sorting out Feelings

I’m finding it hard to sit down and write out how I feel. I’m finding it hard to keep my head high when dealing with judgment. I’m finding it hard to deal with hateful attitudes and rude commentary. I’m just finding it hard to deal with recent changing moods in bipolar disorder.

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Disconnected: Noticing Undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder in Others

I see it often. Perhaps it’s that I have experienced the symptoms of bipolar disorder so many times over the years that it sticks out to me. Regardless of why I recognize it, I am noticing undiagnosed bipolar disorder in others and watching several people currently in manic episodes headed straight to disaster.

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You Know You’re Experiencing Psychosis If: Humor

Years ago I ran a blog called All About Bipolar. My humorous lists were pretty popular. I took the time to dig up “You know you’re experiencing psychosis if…” to post here.

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