Disconnected: Noticing Undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder in Others

I see it often. Perhaps it’s that I have experienced the symptoms of bipolar disorder so many times over the years that it sticks out to me. Regardless of why I recognize it, I am noticing undiagnosed bipolar disorder in others and watching several people currently in manic episodes headed straight to disaster.

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You Know You’re Experiencing Psychosis If: Humor

Years ago I ran a blog called All About Bipolar. My humorous lists were pretty popular. I took the time to dig up “You know you’re experiencing psychosis if…” to post here.

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You Know You’re Manic or Depressed If: Humor – A Funny List

Years ago I had a blog called All About Bipolar. Some of my most popular posts on that blog were my humorous lists. I took the time to dig up “You know you’re manic if” and “You know you’re depressed if” to post here.

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Depression: A Playlist

I tend to use music to get through depression. A lot of those days are sad days, so I tend to listen to a lot of sad songs. I also listen to songs filled with anger. Here’s a playlist of some of my faves.

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Introducing Myself: Atorturedsoul

I’m Amy. I’m also atorturedsoul from All About Bipolar. I have bipolar disorder and I talk about symptoms nobody talks about. Do you have symptoms that you think aren’t normal?

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